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Subscription Tiers for Healthcare Professionals


Premium Subscription

$199.99 per Month

Access to Main Web App and Companion Apps on Android and iOS

Access to Ambient AI Scribe Unlimited Time

Multilingual Recognition (50+ Languages)

*Review and Edit Patient Summaries

*Patient Portal

*Team Function for Sharing Patient Profiles

*Advanced Medical Glossary for dictation and team meetings

*User Uploaded Custom Vocabulary

*Custom Templates for Medical Summaries

Standard Subscription

$129.99 per Month

Access to Main Web App and Companion Apps on Android and iOS

Access to Ambient AI Scribe 1500 Minutes

Multilingual Recognition (50+ Languages)

*Review and Edit Patient Summaries

* We are currently in early access and developing new features on an ongoing basis, some features may be unavailable at the time of your sign up.

Subscription Tiers for Patients


Patient Plus Subscription

$19.99 per Month

Access to Main Web App and Companion Apps on Android and iOS

Access to Ambient AI Scribe 120 Minutes

Multilingual Recognition (50+ Languages)

*Review and Edit Patient Summaries

Patient Subscription

$9.99 per Month

Access to Main Web App and Companion Apps on Android and iOS

Access to Ambient AI Scribe 60 Minutes

Multilingual Recognition (50+ Languages)

*Review and Edit Patient Summaries

* We are currently in early access and developing new features on an ongoing basis, some features may be unavailable at the time of your sign up.